Ahhhh, it's such a relief when things actually work... Okay, so I'm a happy camper now... and you guys are all still probably sleeping.. It's only 8:35 am on Sunday... Barbara, I know you're up by now so you my be the first person to read this today!!! Good morning to all and Happy Sunday. I am now the proud owner of 10G of space on blogger... That's a TON of space... and Yes, you can "run out" of space on Blogger and either have to open a new account and start a new blog, or opt out like I did to continue with the same blog and just pay for extra space... I went through about a gig of space in about a year and a month or two.. But, those of you who read my blog know that it is composed mostly of photos. So, I probably use space up more quickly than most of you out there with blogs. I also mostly use big size photos.. I use a Mac, Justin, so Windows isn't an option for me, thanks for the suggestion, though! I am sure others can benefit from it... and will.... to resize the photos they upload to blogger.
So now, without much further ado... I bring to you ... my new and improved, News From France... which is now stocked up with PLENTY of storage space... YAHOOOO.... oops.. I mean GOOOOOOGLE!!! Have a nice Sunday everyone!!!